Oakley Dean Baldwin
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Wild, Wonderful, Almost Heaven, all of these adjectives fail to adequately describe the beauty of the State of West Virginia. The Mountains of West Virginia are in fact wild and wonderful, glittering with splendid examples of beauty and wildlife. These memoirs are about my family's concerns, our culture, and our way of life. Some of these ways are in calamity and crisis. Ways of life include the following bootlegging moonshiners, wild shenanigan car chases and crashes, embezzlement, and bank fraud. A five-ton truck on fire loaded with dynamite and blasting caps. Just some of the exciting true adventures in this book, what could possibly go wrong?

ARACOMA Indian Princess Warrior
Four-hundred and fifty years of history with the relationships between Indigenous Native Indians and European settlers in one book. Some of the stories that I cover are very difficult and complicated emotional matters such as love, hate, war, fellowship and friendship. Some of the sociological twists and turns between the diverse groups I have discovered in my own family tree.

The Bermuda Triangle is a particular geographical location off of the east coast of America where unexplained and strange events have happened. This area is noticed for unpredicted events like severe storms developing from nowhere, aircrafts and ships disappearing under unsolved or mysterious circumstances.
Here in the state of North Carolina where we live, there is another mysterious geographical area called the “Triangle.” The Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and surrounding areas in the state of North Carolina are known as the Triangle. This geographical area too has had many horrific, mysterious and strange happenings during my life time that are, I feel, and as you will see are worth mentioning and pondering.

DO YOU EVER WONDER why we are living on the third rock from the sun? Do you know how we got here? With all of the chatter, noise and educational opinions about life out there in the world, are you somewhat confused or just not sure what you believe? Do you have doubt, confusion, even some depression, or know someone who is trying to keep from drowning in fear. Maybe you personally know someone who just needs to “Get Grounded” in reality? This book will change their life.

Devils Ground-
Arco Station
This is a family non-fiction story about a business that my father purchased in 1975 that had unusual occurrences, unexplained phenomena, death, accidents, thriller mysteries, and strange happenings. After high school my wife and I purchased the business and owned it for eighteen months. It was a long, very long eighteen months and the following stories are true and actual happenings. With all the strange events and happenings, over the years we have always wondered if the gas station ground was haunted, on Devils ground, or possibly an old unmarked Indian grave. Let's see what you think about it?

Killing MoonShine Mullins
This story is about my mother’s first cousin 3x removed, Ira “Bad Ira” Mullins. This story was handed down to my mother who enlightened me, as I have done with my children. This work is based mostly on family history, folklore, historical facts, court documents, tombstones, and newspaper articles that were available at the time of writing; gathered from multiple sources and pieced together into a plausible story. As such, it should not be a definite source of information. The goal of this book is for historical educational purposes. It is one of the wildest stories ever told to me as well as one of my absolute favorites. I hope you are entertained as much as I have been over the years.
Pocahontas To Benjamin Bolling
The Red, White, and Blue Bollings are explained below:
Red Bollings are Pocahontas descendants through Colonel Robert Bolling and Pocahontas’s granddaughter Jane Rolfe. White Bollings are the non-Pocahontas descendants of Colonel Robert Bolling and his second wife Anne Stith, also called the Stith-Bollings. And the Blue or Mysterious Bollings just came out of the Blue but claim to be Red Bollings from Major John Bolling and Elizabeth Bland Blair. You can't run and hide from DNA evidence! We will shed some light on this Mystery.

Lora's Stories
Appalachian Child
This book is a work of non-fiction, based on my Mother’s writings and my personal experiences. Mom passed away in 2009. Mom’s dream was to publish her stories and her poems; unfortunately, none of these stories were ever published. These stories were just kept in a box with her Bible that I received after she died.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have, as these are memoirs of her life growing up as an Appalachian child. I am publishing these stories in honor of her memory and love for the gift of being her son.

A Revolutionary
This book is dedicated to the Women who fought to ensure America’s Independence from 1775-1783.This is not a history book, but a book that will recount the details, adventures and exploits of a strong woman with strong convictions. In reading about the Revolutionary War, we know the genius of leadership. Men like General George Washington, General Daniel Morgan and General Nathaniel Green.
During time of war, troops draw direction and spirit from their leaders. But sometimes a woman is pressed into action and hell has no fury like, the scorn of a woman protecting her family. Sometimes behind a great man is an equally great woman.
Lora's Poems
This book is a work of my Mother’s writings, Poems, and my personal experiences. Mom passed away in 2009. Mom’s dream was to publish her poems; unfortunately, none of these were ever published. These Poems were just kept in a box with her Bible that I received after she died.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I am publishing these Poems in honor of her memory and love for the gift of being her son.

Carnage In Clintwood
Since the 1600’s moonshining has been passed down from generation to generation. Like a drug, once shining gets in your blood it can be very addictive and hard to get out of your system. Like enjoying a walk in the warm rain, “white lightning” can be just as deadly as lightning in a thunder storm. These are just a few of the recorded deadly lightning Strikes.

This story covers the tragedy of the loss of life, home, and imprisonment of my 3rd great grandmother Margaret (Yates) Hale’s family. A true story, the massacre of the Bowman and Blair brothers in Deadman’s Hollow Virginia. During the Civil War like other Wars catastrophic destruction, unspeakable horror, and murder are thus usually considered justified.

The Errors Of Camelot
Not so long ago, actually just a short expanse of time into the near distant past, a close brush with a most devastating event came within the backyards and farmlands of our beloved State of North Carolina. The Grim Reaper was amuck and unfolding a dark sinister nightmarish plan over Johnston and Wayne Counties. A “Broken Arrow” suspense drama unfolded of a magnitude never before experienced in the USA. This was not the only “Error” of this “Era” at this time. As always there were more chaotic incidents around this time, a captured U2 Pilot, the Bay of Pigs, a Russian missile crisis and etc. It takes a more in-depth knowledge of the events and sequences of social and political occurrences that come together like a puzzle to make the full picture come to life.

The Killing Rock
Potter Family Connections
What happened to the two survivors of the Killing Rock, Amanda Jane and John Harrison Mullins? Furthermore, what happened to Mary Jane (Bentley) Mullins, wife of John Harrison Mullins? These questions have been a mystery for over one hundred years!! UNTIL NOW!

The Matewan Effect - Bloody Mingo
The events leading up to the Matewan massacre caused the largest war on U.S. soil since the Civil War (1861-1865). It was known as the Blair Mountain War in West Virginia. You may not have heard much about this war, but “it actually happened.”

Camper and Katy's Constitutional Quest
This is a must read for our children and grandchildren. It is up to us to ensure our children know their Constitutional Rights. Camper and Katy go on a quest and hunt with twists and turns to find out the truth about their Rights!

Sea Tales and Other Perils
Riveting true Sea stories, insight into one of the premier Military and Life Saving Services, the U.S. Coast Guard! Author has over thirty years of service with Chilling and fascinating Spine-Tingling cases. You can't make this kind of stuff up. Some insight on what life was like as a U.S. Coast Guard reservist attempting to balance a full time job, several part-time jobs, family, and a military obligation. Buckle up Buttercup!

The Basket
Aren’t cats wonderful pets? Have you never wondered what they are really looking at? Do they see things that we cannot see? Things sometimes happen in life like shadows and sounds in the night that are curious and everlasting. Have you ever been tangled or caught up in a nightmare? Without explanations, don’t know what to say, how about Cat’s got your tongue?

Unhinged Revenge
Persecution, rebellion, revolution, and then unthinkable injustice befell the widow Lady Alice Lisle. She was the only remaining connection to the men that signed the death warrant for King Charles Stuart I and Revenge was coming whether it was justified or not. “Diabolical” is the best definition for these Historical Political Coups.
We can only surmise the reason for John Lisle’s departure from Alice and his family once King Charles Stuart II was returned to the throne. Perhaps chivalry won out and he left Lady Lisle to protect her; John was now an enemy to the King and he didn’t want her to be in danger. Did they argue about the decision Lady Lisle made to stay in her home land? Perhaps he was estranged from her because of political differences they found irreconcilable. It was well known Alice supported the King as well as her son John Jr. What the exact circumstances of their personal life separation when John left his family can only be …. left to speculation.

Brandy Jack Moonshiner and Counterfeiter
Having past family members working as moonshiners and counterfeiters can be complicated at times. Telling their thrilling stories and sharing their trials are important to family history. The difficulty with researching history is not so much in the gathering of information as it is learning and understanding of the inhumanity of man during a particular time. At times it can be like peeling an onion where tears come between with the layers. However, there are also more happy layers than sad layers which make it worth your time. It’s an experience you travel as you go back into the past and follow the DNA chain links to the lives of all those who came before you in their bloodline now coursing in your veins.

Capital punishment for murderers has sent a storm of controversy thundering across our nation, millions of spoken and written words seek to examine the question so that decisions are reached which benefits our civilization. Many States have different answers to this question. Furthermore, the killing of a Law Enforcement Officer constitutes an immediate threat to the well-being of the community and a serious breach of the internal security of our country. After reading the accounts of tremendous human loss in this book, I wonder what your state of mind will be on the topic of capital punishment for murder.

A Real Hidden Treasure Story
What are the chances of finding a treasure map while restoring an old car? Like winning the lottery? This book “A Real Hidden Treasure Story” is based on real hidden buried treasure. To locate the treasure you will need to find the clues and hints in the story. This story is no exception to the other unusual happenings in our life. An actual bank robbery, maybe two, buried bounty, a treasure map and a prison confession of potentially enough money that a person could live easy the rest of their life are all part of this incredible true story.

Murder of Mrs. Buford Pusser
What really happened to Pauline Mullins, wife of Sheriff Buford Pusser of Walking Tall fame? Her life and death story has intrigued thousands since that dreadful morning of August 12th 1967. The circumstances and stories contained in this book are captivating and complex while absolutely engaging all who take the journey through this book. .

Free as a Bird
Life in the 1960's
Free as a Bird, Life in the 1960’s, Stories of my life growing up in the iconic 60’s. You don’t want to miss this one. Did you live in the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s or 80’s? If so, then you understand what freedom is really about. If not, then you must take a journey back to the 1960’s for a glimpse of the best music, the best muscle cars and what it truly meant to be free. The wind of change, the turbulence and the Age of Aquarius was indeed a very special time for all who experienced this decade.

Mayhem on the MOUNTAIN
Amazing, incredible, mysterious, powerful, and life-altering. A thriller, true crime and personal story that defied my naïve self-reliance and replaced it with many questionable ideological positions regarding mental health, life, death, and humanity in general and beyond. As a collective people dealing with and living through unplanned situations, we will all go through hardships and turmoil. Some of these hardships are situations totally out of our control. For instance, one of these situations could be “being in the wrong place at the wrong time.” While other situations and hardships are self-induced or inflicted by the principle of “we reap what we sow.” Either way when tragedies strike close to home the pain or sorrow is not any less hurtful or overwhelming.