Oakley Dean Baldwin
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Wild, Wonderful, Almost Heaven, all of these adjectives fail to adequately describe the beauty of the State of West Virginia. The Mountains of West Virginia are in fact wild and wonderful, glittering with splendid examples of beauty and wildlife. These memoirs are about my family's concerns, our culture, and our way of life. Some of these ways are in calamity and crisis. Ways of life include the following bootlegging moonshiners, wild shenanigan car chases and crashes, embezzlement, and bank fraud. A five-ton truck on fire loaded with dynamite and blasting caps. Just some of the exciting true adventures in this book, what could possibly go wrong?

ARACOMA Indian Princess Warrior
Four-hundred and fifty years of history with the relationships between Indigenous Native Indians and European settlers in one book. Some of the stories that I cover are very difficult and complicated emotional matters such as love, hate, war, fellowship and friendship. Some of the sociological twists and turns between the diverse groups I have discovered in my own family tree.

The Bermuda Triangle is a particular geographical location off of the east coast of America where unexplained and strange events have happened. This area is noticed for unpredicted events like severe storms developing from nowhere, aircrafts and ships disappearing under unsolved or mysterious circumstances.
Here in the state of North Carolina where we live, there is another mysterious geographical area called the “Triangle.” The Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and surrounding areas in the state of North Carolina are known as the Triangle. This geographical area too has had many horrific, mysterious and strange happenings during my life time that are, I feel, and as you will see are worth mentioning and pondering.

DO YOU EVER WONDER why we are living on the third rock from the sun? Do you know how we got here? With all of the chatter, noise and educational opinions about life out there in the world, are you somewhat confused or just not sure what you believe? Do you have doubt, confusion, even some depression, or know someone who is trying to keep from drowning in fear. Maybe you personally know someone who just needs to “Get Grounded” in reality? This book will change their life.